Process-led tarot readings for those who are skeptical but curious.
Practical, meaningful, and insightful conversations via the deck, all without (too much) woo.
Offerings ✺
Readings are currently virtual or in-person in Santa Monica.
A series of readings scheduled at your convenience—quarterly, once a month, etc.—for an on-going conversation and lasting impact.
Testimonials ☺

What to Expect
Whether you’ve got your own deck or this is your first reading, tarot is a little bit different for everyone.
About Claire of Clarity Tarot
Spoiler alert: I’m not a psychic and I’m not going to tell you your future. But what I will do is help you sort through your big life questions by translating the tarot and its respective prompts.
I’ve been reading the Rider-Waite-Smith deck for the last seven years, after completing tarot coursework with Sage Sansone in Asheville, NC. And despite being a generally un-woo-woo person, I’m continually awed by what happens in these sessions with querents. The experience is always a profound one and I’m honored to do this work.
Outside of tarot, I’m a writer and a surfer. More about me over here.
Photo Credit: Colin Sussingham